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How Do We Get There?

University and HSI initiative leadership have outlined the following opportunities 感谢皇冠app官方版下载社区的参与. 参与到我们的校园活动中来吧 社区成为恒生指数!

UNITE Sessions

HSI 101 and 201 sessions 为教职员工提供更多了解历史和背景的机会 of Latinx-idenfiying folks in Colorado, and the importance of servingness as part UNC努力成为一个有效的恒生指数.

Register Today

Become An
HSI Ambassador

Learn more about our progress and purpose behind our HSI readiness efforts, current programs showcasing servingness, recent accomplishments, and upcoming campus-wide projects. Help us share 为什么皇冠app官方版下载的恒生指数如此重要.

Our Pursuit of HSI

Anti-Blackness & HSI UNITE Session

This workshop focuses on the socio-political, historical, and modern iterations of Anti-Blackness in the U.S. and globally. Participants work to 理解反黑的相关性 感谢他们的工作,感谢我们的校园社区.

Register Today

Culture First

UNC’s HSI initiative emphasizes culture alignment with “Servingness,” prioritizing 塑造组织文化,影响绩效,促进校园对话; surveys, and workshops for holistic understanding and improvement.

Culture First

Stay Informed

加入我们的季度恒生指数通讯, Noticias HSI, to stay abreast of news o在我们成为西班牙裔服务机构的进程中. Looking for a specific edition? 点击链接阅读其中一篇:

Sept. 2022  Nov. 2022  March 2023  June 2023

Lend Your Voice

你对一个项目或校园资源有什么想法吗,你想参与吗 但不能自愿加入恒生指数指导委员会? 与恒生指数领导分享反馈 指导委员会随时可以给我们发电子邮件 hsi@fitgreenlife.com

Faculty and Staff Fellows Appointed to Support HSI Initiatives  

托比亚斯Guzmán,副总裁 the Division of 多样性、公平和包容 (DDEI), has appointed two fellow positions in support of the university's efforts toward becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). 

Jonathan Alcantar

Jonathan Alcantar

Cristóbal (Chris) Garcia

Cristóbal (Chris) Garcia

Cristóbal(克里斯)加西亚,副导演 校友关系办公室 已被任命为职员 for HSI initiatives and Jonathan Alcantar, associate professor and chair of UNC’s Chicana/o and Latinx Studies program has been appointed as faculty fellow for HSI initiatives. According to Guzmán, Garcia and Alcantar have the essential context needed to be successful in these roles as both have been in对已完成的功进行积分 大学的前期实施阶段 成为恒生指数成份股,包括 担任恒生指数工作小组成员 for the past two years.

 "Chris and Jonathan’s roles as fellows will be key positions to establishing and 构建我们成为恒指成份股的下一步,”Guzmán表示. “They will offer thought leadership and assist the university in accomplishing measures of success and serve 战略性地扩大工作的范围和深度,使我们取得成功 in this pursuit.” 

Guzmán said their work will be connected to the existing strategies and key elements outlined in Rowing, Not Drifting 2030, and in service 到恒生指数201中讨论的主要支柱: 

  • 坚持和毕业率 特别针对我们的西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生  

  •  学术认同与自我概念、领导认同、种族认同的发展  

  • 皇冠app官方版下载符号的可见性   

  • Compositional diversity of faculty, staff, administrators, and graduate students   

HSI Steering Committee

Chaired by 托比亚斯Guzmán,副总裁 the Division of Diversity, Equity and 克里斯滕·弗莱明,教务长兼学术事务执行副总裁, the HSI Steering Committee builds on our efforts toward becoming 科罗拉多的下一个西班牙裔服务机构强调跨校园参与的重要性,由皇冠app官方版下载的学生组成, faculty, and staff.


  1. 发现并将HSI“最佳实践”纳入UNC文化
  2. 制定涉及HSI的教师研究和资助机会的流程 initiatives
  3. 确定和实施实践,以支持西班牙裔/拉丁裔识别的持续和毕业 students
  4. Research strategies to recruit and retain more faculty and staff of color at UNC
  5. Complete and submit UNC's application for Federal HSI designation
  • 恒生指数指导委员会成员
    • Nickie Archibeque, director, Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI)
    • Rourke Bailey,商业分析和应用支持部副主任 Management & Technology
    • Danica Brown, community director, Housing and Residential Education
    • Sharon Bywater-Reyes, assistant professor, Environmental Geoscience
    • 特蕾莎·卡斯特罗,校友关系办公室助理主任
    • Samuel Dong Saul,助理教授,平面设计
    • Whitney Duncan, associate professor, Department of Anthropology
    • Jenna Finley, associate vice president, Division of Student Affairs
    • Barbara Garrett, director & 美国手语系副教授 & Interpreting Studies
    • 克里斯蒂娜·戈莱蒂,表演学院院长 & Visual Arts
    • 梅林达·古鲁,成功教练和顾问,翱翔计划
    • Susan Keenan, associate dean, College of Natural and Health Sciences 
    • Chris Kyser,教师教育学院助理教授
    • Andrea James, associate professor, School of Biological Sciences
    • Jorge Jaquez-Márquez,市场部 & 创意专家,多元化,公平司 and Inclusion
    • 卡洛斯·乔斯·潘萨雷兹Sámano,双语传播战略家,营销和传播
    • 迪安娜·赫伯特,皇冠app安卓下载安装和公共关系主管,市场营销和传播 
    • 布兰登·拉古纳斯,蒙福特商学院学术顾问
    • 皮特·连恩,皇冠app官方版下载管理副校长
    • 查尔斯·摩尔,音乐学院助理教授
    • Gizeh Martinez,人类发展中心的学术顾问
    • Miranda Martino, assistant director, Disability Resource Center
    • 珍·梅尔,皇冠app官方版下载图书馆临时副院长
    • Lesly Moran Maqueda, undergraduate student, Chicana/o and Latinx Studies program
    • Kyle Nelson, professor & 社会学系主席
    • Christopher Perkins, associate director, Housing and Residential Education
    • jos Davíd Reynoza,皇冠app官方版下载办公室多元化和准入助理主任
    • 马修·桑切斯,人力资源部人力资源协调员
    • Stacey Tekansik, accounting specialist, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
    • 鲁道夫·巴尔加斯,塞萨尔·查韦斯文化中心和梦想家参与项目主任
    • Javier Viñasco Guzmán, associate professor and director, Latinx Music program
    • 瑞安·维吉尔,索迪斯零售业务经理
    • 珍妮·韦弗-道格拉斯,马库斯·加维文化中心主任兼临时执行官 多元化、公平和包容部主任 learn why dr. 珍妮的名字是小写的

Subcommittee Structure

联合国军司令部的安全指数领导扼要介绍了联合国军司令部将进入的下列五个小组委员会 下一阶段的计划和执行. 这两个小组委员会都将进行研究 重点同行机构和示范hsi的最佳实践,同时审查和评估 current status at UNC, with the hope of providing findings and recommendations in subcommitee areas. 

  • 皇冠app官方版下载HSI基础设施发展

    Members: Tobias Guzmán, Kirsty Flemming, Jonathan Alcántar, and Cristóbal Garcia

    • Research peer and model HSIs for infrastructure planning to review Infrastructure. 
    • 访问同行和示范hsi以及科罗拉多州联盟的hsi,以审查基础设施 models at each.
    • Develop Infrastructure model for UNC’s HSI designation that both engages our needs 作为一个地区认可的机构,并反映了科罗拉多财团的hsi 以及概述的同伴和模型hsi. 
    • Develop Leadership Structure for UNC’s HSI designation that both engages our needs 作为一个地区认可的机构,并反映了科罗拉多财团的hsi 以及概述的同伴和模型hsi. 
  • Admissions & 招收拉丁裔学生(及家庭)

    Members:洛克·贝利,塞缪尔·东·索尔,安德里亚·詹姆斯,皮特·连恩,莱斯利·莫兰·马奎达,凯尔 Nelson, Jen Mayer, Carlos José Pérez Sámano, José Davíd Reynoza, Matthew Sanchez, 和哈维尔Viñasco Guzmán - Liaison: Cristóbal Garcia

    • Research peer and model HSIs for model recruitment efforts, including: researching 招聘模式,人员结构,与K12和社区的管道规划 大学合作伙伴,社区参与战略,以及该机构的讲故事努力.
    • Assess Current UNC Recruitment Model and SEM Planning including: Campus Visit Days, 讲故事,西班牙语观众和拉丁语观众的信息变化, addressing pipeline development with Community College and local district partners.
    • 评估人员配置-它是否具有代表性,并在文化和语言上反映? 
  • 拉丁裔学生的保留和成功

    Members:尼基·阿奇比克、丹妮卡·布朗、特蕾莎·卡斯特罗、詹娜·芬利、梅林达·古鲁尔、苏珊 Keenan, Brandon Lagunas, Gizeh Martinez, Miranda Martino, and Ryan Virgil, Rodolfo Vargas (member/liaison)

    • Research peer and model HSIs for model Retention and Graduation efforts. Researching: 保留模式,人员结构,课外参与,课堂和教师-学生 文化,学生支持服务,活动和项目,以及其他保留方法.
    • Assess Current UNC Retention Efforts via a Servingness Framework. Including: community 财政支持(奖学金、紧急资助方案、住房费用、 开源文件的机会,食物和住房的选择,为低经济地位的学生), 建议和学生成功的努力课外支持心理健康咨询 对教职员工进行微攻击训练,提高校园归属感, Cultural and Resource Center supports, and Career Readiness and launch supports. 
    • 通过HSI Lens毕业-所有课程都评估4年毕业率, 职业启动是学生体验的一部分. 
  • 学院研究及资助

    Members: Sharon Bywater-Reyes, Whitney Duncan, Barbara Garrett, Christina Golletti, Charles 摩尔,珍妮·韦弗·道格拉斯 Liaison: Jonathan Alcántar

    • Research peer and model HSIs for grant infrastructure planning and application. This includes funding for: programming initiatives, infrastructure building, utilizng a Servingness framework in grant applications, centralizing HSI-style grant funding.
      • 阿拉帕霍社区学院(标题3发展基金)
      • 科罗拉多山学院(HSI Grant Hub)
    • 评估当前UNC的教师研究模式 & Grants. 看看现存的东西 目前,以及UNC如何从以前的框架转移. Review Community-based 研究实践作为终身教职评估的一部分-特别是当他们 为拉丁裔学生和社区服务.
    • 奖助金申请包括服务框架-资源将为拉丁语服务 学生,HSI教师种子基金,和文化响应课程开发
    • 大学代表- HSI资助拉丁裔从事STEM职业,课外项目, 有意招聘拉丁裔教职员工. 
  • 新hsi的最佳实践

    Members: Tobias Guzmán, Kirsty Flemming, Jonathan Alcántar, and Cristóbal Garcia

    • Research peer and model HSIs for Human Resources and Academic Affairs efforts in: 招聘和发展拉丁裔教职员工,留住他们 拉丁裔教职员工,员工资源小组(ERG)模式,发展 对校园的支持和归属感. 
    • Assess UNC current model for HSIs for Human Resources and Academic Affairs efforts in: recruitment and pipeline development for Latinx-identifying faculty and staff, 保留拉丁裔教职员工,员工资源小组(ERG)模式, 培养学生对校园的支持和归属感. 
    • Research peer and model HSIs for Advancement and Mar/Comm efforts in:
      • 校友参与和以身份为中心的校友团体
      • Data and reporting around alumni and donors at peer institutions like Weber State, 加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,亚利桑那州立大学,圣地亚哥分校,以及科罗拉多州HSI内的学校 Consortium. 
      • 捐助者参与和供资机会. 
    • Assess UNC current model for HSIs for Advancement and Mar/Comm Efforts
    • in:
      • 校友参与和以身份为中心的校友团体
      • Data and reporting around alumni and donors at peer institutions like Weber State, 加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,亚利桑那州立大学,圣地亚哥分校,以及科罗拉多州HSI内的学校 Consortium. 
      • 捐助者参与和供资机会. 

HSI的教职员工,Jonathan Alcantar and Cristóbal Garcia将通过领导关键行动小组委员会来支持指导委员会. 指导委员会将举行会议 monthly basis 确保在支持上述优先事项方面取得进展.

Vamos Osos:捐助者对HSI倡议的支持

皇冠app官方版下载的捐助团体长期以来一直在为更公平的大学教育机会进行投资 祝所有进入我们学校的学生都能取得成功. 作为新兴的西班牙裔服务 Institution (HSI), we have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives 西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生,并致力于为他们提供 他们需要的资源和支持,以在我们的校园取得学业和社交上的成功. 


In the News

内部和外部报道UNC的HSI的努力,计划和活动面向 我们的西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区.


"Institutions who are purposeful in their pursuit 要做好学生的准备 更关注现在的学生 并且能够解决不平等问题. Although many institutions have limited resources; yet, they 不断创新,以实现我们的使命."

— Tobias Guzmán, Ed.D.他是多元化、公平和包容副总裁兼首席执行官 Diversity Officer